Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Doing good!!!!

SOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!! for the show my band and I are playing tomorrow night...
this might sound a little funny but we are sharing a stage with someone I admire so much.. and people might not understand why but I just have never met anyone that admire as much.
Anyway I am extremely excited to play this show.. rock it out for a good cause and let go of some of my anger..
I always feel so relieved after a show like all my pent up anger and sadness, and guilt is just washed away.
I really believe that MUSIC is my saving grace. even though it can be hard, and dealing with all boys in my band can be tough. I don't think I could or would be as happy as I am if I didn't have music to release my emotion through.

This is Amazing, makes me fall in love with this song all over again

I wonder what would be a great cover?
what song would be GREAT.

Then I wonder ( even though I love what I do, and don't think i suit anything as well)
Could I sing deep powerhouse blues and jazz? could I pull that off...
am I a one trick pony or do I have many sides.
Then I speak to myself
"I believe I can conquer all things!!!!!!!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. I think you can rock hard until it gets tiring, then you can take the power down and pull that soul of yours through the heart and out that lovely voicebox.
