Thursday, July 22, 2010

Inside my eyes

my view on religion... I love God I devote my life to him. But I am not a slave to the rules and regulations of man who pretend to be GOD. I will follow the true God and only him!!!!!!
I am sick of people telling me I CANT do something because I believe... that is so far from the truth.
I can be and become anyone want I want to .
My belief system is my own, I don't need people to agree with me, I don't people to control me.
if I choose to do something it is because I have that right to CHOOSE.
I will not ever again become a slave to the men and women who believe they have the hand of God on them.

To all the people who have scorned me and ridiculed me for being me

stop trying to reach heights you will never reach!


"a little bit a rage"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Doing good!!!!

SOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!! for the show my band and I are playing tomorrow night...
this might sound a little funny but we are sharing a stage with someone I admire so much.. and people might not understand why but I just have never met anyone that admire as much.
Anyway I am extremely excited to play this show.. rock it out for a good cause and let go of some of my anger..
I always feel so relieved after a show like all my pent up anger and sadness, and guilt is just washed away.
I really believe that MUSIC is my saving grace. even though it can be hard, and dealing with all boys in my band can be tough. I don't think I could or would be as happy as I am if I didn't have music to release my emotion through.

This is Amazing, makes me fall in love with this song all over again

I wonder what would be a great cover?
what song would be GREAT.

Then I wonder ( even though I love what I do, and don't think i suit anything as well)
Could I sing deep powerhouse blues and jazz? could I pull that off...
am I a one trick pony or do I have many sides.
Then I speak to myself
"I believe I can conquer all things!!!!!!!!!!!"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I think I am finally realizing that the people I care most about are not who I think they are. I feel like I have constructed my own version of everyone in my life, and I turn a blind eye to anything that is not in my fairytale. Does this mean that I am not as close as I would like to believe to the people around me? or do I even know the people around me.
Sometimes I wonder why I have chosen these people to surround myself with.
I know I love and care for them all but do I really know who they are?
Then I start to wonder, do all people have this same issue? do we all put on a mask for our friends, and hide who we really are.
I think I act the same around everyone, but do I suppress my inner crazy to please people.
Do I control my own movements to complete an image?
All these questions and yet my life will continue to move forward I will still be and act the same around the same people.

No matter the reason I feel this way, it still makes me wonder. Will I ever really know anyone fully? know someone well enough that I know what makes them tick.


ok away from the thought of the day.
I feel powerful today, like I can do anything!!!!! and I hope this will reflect in my writing, I am really in to power house women right now....
It makes me feel so empowered when I hear a female rock out with great vocals...
These women deserve respect and demand it and that is something I admire!!!!!

If only one day I could be one of these women, could help people get through a rough time, or get emotions out.

the song I am listening to right now is

Such an amazing Voice!!!!!!

Went to the Stampede last night.... got a little .. ok a lot out of hand!!!!
I love this time of year when everyone is in party mode, the whole city wants to get rowdy!!!
I love it

anyway have a gooder :0


Monday, July 12, 2010

Wow already falling behind

Ok, so I thought I would blog more then I do, MY BAD..
but I am blogging now.
I found my best friends blog FINALLY took me forever and she even had to give it away. in the end I am glad I found it.
It is refreshing to know that we are on the same page with most things....the important one anyway.

So I was thinking this week, how many times have you heard someone talk about the reason they found love?
I wonder some times if people marry and "love" others just because it is what they think they should do.
example I love my husband because of who he is and how he makes me feel, not because he is going to make lots of money or is a pastor of a church and even believes in God.

I can love my husband no matter the differences we have because I love the person he is.

I admire a friend of mine for her confidence in herself, knowing that when she finds love then she will settle down. Not just get married cause its the next step. I will never understand the "idea" of love, the "idea" of marriage. Love the heart of someone not the makeup.

ok enough mushy

writing a new song... SOOO excited to get some new music going. it has been a while since we last wrote something as a band, and I miss the whole work together thing.
I like the songs we all bring in too but its not the same as when we all write it together.
(which means GARY needs to come home now lol)

I love Music..............

well now that I have to leave work I guess I should stop writing.
maybe after Jam I will have more to say :)

by for now


Sunday, July 4, 2010

3 Dogs are better then 1

The weekend..

house sitting.....

IT WAS GREAT.... I wish I had three dogs around me all the time well except for when they get in trouble.

also went to watch a band I love this long weekend, 40 Gun Flagship.. very big fan..and very excited to get to play a show with them in July!

So all weekend my husband and I vegged out and watched TV, don't have cable at home so it was nice to finally get to watch some HBO...mmmm I love my true blood.

Watched this great show called Spartacus,

I have never watched a show in my whole life that had more references to penises then this one. Jupiter's cock I will. heheheehe but on a more blood and gore note it was great to watch men kick the crap out of each other and then bone the women they love. To watch all the deception and Glory, to envy the passion that secret lovers share. What a show I highly recommend this one.

Weekends like that are amazing ,quality husband and wife time in all our stink, and filth. There is nothing more satisfying then quality time to me, I am glad that sometimes we get to share a true moment of it.

then wehad the plessure to watch my little man, Bandit, make out with a dog we were watching, Mila, for like 2 hours. Really just like 2 teenagers would they were kissing with their tongues. it was a sight to behold for sure.
Well that was my weekend, TV , food, movies and quality time..
Until next time